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Environmentalism is not a religion

"James Murray: Of all the nonsense climate change deniers throw at the green movement, there one criticism that does real damage"


Plans for carbon-capture power station abandoned

"Environmentalists welcome Ayrshire Power's withdrawal of plans for coal-fired station at Hunterston due to financial concerns"


Leaving appliances on standby 'can cost UK households up to £86 a year'

"Fully turning off everyday appliances could be a quick and cheap way for people to save on their energy bills, study finds"


Scientists warn US east coast over accelerated sea level rise

"Study says sea level is rising far faster than elsewhere, which could increase incidence of New York flooding"

Category: Climate Change


Rio+20 Earth Summit: campaigners decry final document

"'Pathway for a sustainable future' declared, but Greenpeace says summit was failure of epic proportions"

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 216 to 220 out of 2977